MULTIFLEX in action
Your benefits at a glance-
MUlTIFLEX is suitable for any ground plan due to the variable beam positioning characteristics - even polygonal, trapezoidal or overlapping arrangements are possible.
The formlining can be freely selected according to the required quality and slab underside, meaning that practically any surface requirement can be met.
With the MULTIFLEX configurator, the beam and columns spacing can be optimised quickly and easily.
Watch the video to find out more
Product Data Sheet
System type
Girder slab formwork
Wooden carrier
Free choice of formlining
Installation time
0.27-0.53 hrs/m²
Fulfilled standard
Permissible characteristic column load: 22 kN or 28 kN, depending on the beam
Slab thickness
Up to 1.00 m
Free column grid Quick and easy dimensioning using table slides or table books
Additional information
Interested in using MULTIFLEX for your project?
Call us on +20 11 111 76904 to discuss your requirements further.
Interested in using MULTIFLEX for your project?
Call us on +20 11 111 76904 to discuss your requirements further.